Exercises Listen
  1. Draw the heart and provide a diagrammatic representation of the coronary circulation.
  2. What is the difference between systolic and diastolic blood pressure? What is the relationship between blood pressure and age and what causes this?
  3. What is heart failure? What are the two main causes of heart failure? Do you know any symptoms of heart failure?
  4. Circulatory shock is a serious, acute condition with severe reduced renal blood flow and inadequate O2 and nutritional supply to the tissues. Describe how a circulatory shock may occur.
  5. When do you start cardiopulmonary resuscitation?
  6. Outline the algorithm in Basic Life Support.


MCQ Cardio diseases


Task: Rank in order of importance

When treating a patient for hypovolemic shock, what must the nurse do and in which order is it important to carry out?

  • Crystalloider – ringer acetate, administered intravenously.
  • Administer an infusion of intravenous fluid.
  • Observe whether or not any bleeding stops or worsens. Apply pressure to the site of the wound, a doctor must be informed and assess the need for surgery.
  • Observe blood pressure, pulse, respiration, conscioussness, hourly urinary output skin colour/pallour, possibly carry out CVP.
  • Oxygen Supply – nasal cannula / mask.
  • Observe hydration levels of the patient.
  • Pain relief – assess patients needs.
  • Put the patient in Trendelenburg recovery position.